
 Torrington CT High School, Class of 1959
Before being used to house high school classes, the building was used for elementary school classes, probably as early as the 1860s. It is difficult to determine exactly when it began use as a high school but since the first THS graduating class was in 1889, I think it would be safe to say that it was being used for high school classes from circa 1885 to 1913. The building was destroyed by fire on May 24, 1913
This is the Official Web Site of the Torrington CT. High School, Class of 1959
Original Class Size was 292. Deceased estimated now at 120. Current Surviving Class Size = 172 +/- (As of 5/11/24 )
Jack Wallace, Webmaster & Communications

 In Memory Of Those We've Lost ..( Deceased Classmates).. Click Here

 See Group Photos of All Previous Reunions

Grammar School Graduation Photos !!

THS Class of '59 65th Anniversary Reunion, October 6. 2024

 Torrington High School Class of 1959 held its 65th anniversary reunion on October 6, 2024 at Fairview Farm Golf Club. This was certainly one of the most enjoyable and memorable reunions of recent, and was extremely well attended by nearly 70 of our classmates, spouses, and friends. I believe as we grow older the ability to get together is so meaningful, and brings home so many fond memories. Shown below is a press release that appeared in the Waterbury Republican, and below that you'll find individual photos from the day of the reunion. No doubt, a great day was had by all, and sincerest thanks to all of you, who made the trip to this most meaningful destination.


 THS Class of '59 Holds "Lunch Bunch" Reunion
 Fairview Farm Golf Club May 9, 2024

 Torrington High School, Class of 1959, held its 64 1/2th Reunion Lunch at Fairview Farm Golf Club today, with 32 in attendance. This was our first ‘59 Lunch Bunch” event, No reservations required, classmates simply showed up, ordered from the standard menu, separate checks, and just simple, good old-fashioned conversations. What a great turnout from such a dedicated class. And what a great job the waitstaff at Fairview did handling our group. Thanks to Keith Lamanna for guiding us to another successful event. We’re not done yet ! Our big 65th anniversary event will be held in the fall, and yes, it will be at Fairview ! So thankful to have been a member of this class !! Jack
 THS Class of '59 Holds 64th Reunion
 Torrington High School Class of 1959 celebrated Reunion 64 at Fairview Farm Golf Club, Saturday, September 9th. Great turnout of nearly 80 in attendance. 292 were in the original graduating class, estimated 171 still with us across the country. Jack Wallace had the pleasure of MC'ing the event, providing commentary and music of our time. Keynote address was presented by class President Art Frigo, plus we had lots of time to mingle and renew acquaintances . The spirit and excitement of all the attendees, was absolutely amazing. Simply a great and most meaningful day for all, who traveled from several states to attend. Special thanks to our reunion committee who have given decades of service to our class. They are: Roger Fulton, Art Frigo, Rich Knapp, Heather Yale Gromko, Doramae Bray Iffland, Barbara Krieger Dobos, Joyce Hock Leifert, John Cellerino, Jack Wallace, Pat Cable Thompson. Fondly, and sadly, we remember the three committee members that we have lost over the last two years; Don Marciano, our chairman, Elaine Kules Berry and Gretchen Muller Ross.
NOTE: Next class gathering May 9th, 2024 !!


 Shown below are great drone photos of Torrington, 12/12/21, shot during the Christmas Village opening day parade. For those of you living out of the area, this gives you a good idea of what has changed and what has not. since our days at THS. Many thanks to Dana at Sparrow Drone Ariel Photo Services of Burlington, for granting permission to use his great work ! See more of their capabilities at: https://www.sparrowdas.com/



The Torringford School gang in attendance. L-R: Art Borla, Will Revaz, June Miller Shack, Sandra Bonvicini Bobowski, Nancy Thomas Evers
 Fairview Farm Golf Club, Saturday, 9/18/21, 12-6 PM, Total 75 Attendees, 49 Classmates. A beautiful day in Harwinton, complete with a great buffet luncheon, festive birthday celebration, lots of catching up, and even music of the '50's. Class president Art Frigo and long time Reunion Committee Chairman, Don Marciano, were unable to attend in person, but were connected in a joint conference call via the Fairview sound system, and addressed the class. Lots of laughs and yes, some tears as well.

Above: Recent 6/26/21 photos of Fairview Farm Golf Club, The site of Reunion 62/80.
 Be sure to check out our Classic Photos Page at: Classic PhotosPage
Just added some track team photos which just surfaced. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the "Classics" page for latest photos. Enjoy all the others as you scroll down !

Above: Torrington downtown circa 1955, after the Flood of '55. Note Bailey Bridge in place of the washed out center bridge. Thanks to Michael Rajewski for sharing the photos !

 Tribute to our Dave Frauenhofer by the Litchfield County Bar Association. Watch this 7 minute Zoom Meeting presentation, by Atty. Stephanie Weaver, with several association members "on line". Click on this link:

 Classmate Update 3/29/21: Occurring within days of each other, here are two very nice articles about two of our classmates. The first honors our Patty Conforti Masucci, who sadly, passed away recently. The article is self-explanetory, and highlights her work and dedication to Highland Lake. Indeed, she was a very special person !!

The second article, appearing in today's Republican-American, features our Jim Zeller, who celebrated his 80th birthday at his place of business. Nice photo of he and his Son, David ! Jim has no plans to retire as he still has "lots to do" ! Way to go Jim, and congratulations !!
 TORRINGTON – There was cake and food, but for Jim Zeller, it was just another day of work. Zeller turned 80 years old Friday and he has no intentions of slowing down or retiring from his namesake business, Zeller Tire and Auto Center on Main Street. While his son, David, runs the day-to-day operations, Zeller still comes to work every day and visits his two other sites in Oakville and Naugatuck. “I’ve got plenty to do,” Zeller said. “We’ll look at (retiring) when I’m 90.” Zeller’s father started the tire business in the cellar of his home on New Litchfield Street in 1952 and ran it until 1964, when he died at the age of 46. “That happened to be the same time I got out of college,” Zeller recalled. “I went from that into the tire business.” Years later, in July 1966, he opened his first storefront at the corner of Albert and New Litchfield streets, where Ace Transmission is now. Advertisement In 1980, Zeller purchased a former grocery store on Main Street and converted it into Zeller Tire with the help of Borghesi Building and Engineering Co.

 Photos below in loving memory of Charlie Bienkowski, who passed away June 13, 2020. Always the life of the party, his spirit is captured below, taken at out 60th class reunion, September 2019. Photos courtesy of John Marcantonio.
And here's a brief video of Charlie's performance. Click this link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=N_1ZpU-9Nk0
Below: Charlie and gang at a couple UCONN Women's Basketball games in Florida, a few years ago. Again, Charlie was the life of the party !! Photos below and video above, courtesy Dave Ferrato.
Complete Graduating Class list, plus Commencement Program/Class Night Booklets, Class Song, Class Poem 6/17/59


The Back Nine Of Our Lives
Thanks to Alan Mackenzie ! Back Nine - Fabulous This is one of the best emails I’ve read in a while: no politics, no sex, and no “axes to grind”, just food for thought!


You know... time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I was young and embarking on my new life. Yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all. I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams.

But, here it is... the back nine of my life and it catches me by surprise... How did I get here so fast? Where did the years go and where did my youth go? I remember well seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people were years away from me and that I was only on the first hole and the back nine was so far off that I could not fathom it or imagine fully what it would be like.

But, here it is... my friends are retired and getting gray... they move slower and I see an older person now. Some are in better and some worse shape than me... but, I see the great change. Not like the ones that I remember who were young and vibrant.. but, like me, their age is beginning to show and we are now those older folks that we used to see and never thought we'd become.

Each day now, I find that just getting a shower is a real target for the day! And taking a nap is not a treat anymore... it's mandatory! Cause if I don't on my own free will... I fall asleep where I sit!

And so... now I enter into this new season of my life unprepared for all the aches and pains and the loss of strength and ability to go and do things that I wish I had done but never did!! But, at least I know, that though I’m on the back nine, and I'm not sure how long it will last... this I know, that when it's over on this earth... it's over. A new adventure will begin!

Yes, I have regrets. There are things I wish I hadn't done... things I should have done, but indeed, there are many things I'm happy to have done. It's all in a lifetime.

So, if you're not on the back nine yet... let me remind you, that it will be here faster than you think. So, whatever you would like to accomplish in your life do it quickly! Don't put things off too long!! Life goes by quickly. So, do what you can today, as you can never be sure whether you're on the back nine or not! You have no promise that you will see all the seasons of your life.... so, live for today and say all the things that you want your loved ones to remember.. and hope that they appreciate and love you for all the things that you have done for them in all the years past!

"Life" is a gift to you. The way you live your life is your gift to those who come after. Make it a fantastic one.

LIVE IT WELL! ENJOY TODAY! DO SOMETHING FUN! BE HAPPY! HAVE A GREAT DAY! Remember "It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. LIVE HAPPY IN 2020 !

LASTLY, CONSIDER THIS: ~Going out is good... Coming home is better! ~You forget names.... But it's OK because some people forgot they even knew you!!!

~You realize you're never going to be really good at anything like golf. ~The things you used to care to do, you aren't as interested in anymore, but you really don't care that you aren't as interested. ~

You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV 'ON' than in bed. It's called "pre-sleep". ~

You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" switch.. ~

You tend to use more 4 letter words ... "what?"..."when?".. ??? ~

You notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless"?!!! ~

What used to be freckles are now liver spots. ~

Everybody whispers. ~

You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet.... 2 of which you will never wear. ~~~

But Old is good in some things: Old Songs, Old movies, and best of all, OLD FRIENDS!! Stay well, "OLD FRIEND!" Send this on to other "Old Friends!" and let them laugh in AGREEMENT!!! It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived.

 A Special Chair For Our Special Chairman !
 It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. The photo above certainly confirms that !

This afternoon, December 14, 2019 at 4 PM, I arrived at the home of Don and Donna Marciano along with the delivery team from Southworth’s Furniture. They were delivering the Power Recliner/Lift Chair that Don had picked out just a week ago. They set it up and Don had the opportunity to sit in it, try out the buttons, and get comfortable. The look of satisfaction and happiness on his face, was priceless.

I was very honored to have been there, on behalf of the committee, to present Don with this chair, along with a bank check, made out in an amount in excess of the cost of the chair. Another surprise for Don ! As promised at the beginning, and in the interest of Don’s privacy, I will divulge no numbers and no names of those who contributed. Every donation had a special meaning. I want to tell you that the response from this class was far beyond expectations, yet, it was so typical of the kind and generous group that we are.

Some statistics: I sent out approximately 148 emails, and around 20 via postal mail. 87% opened that first email, equating to about 108 individuals. We received a total of 94 checks of various amounts. We accomplished this entire process in just about two weeks !! Incredible !!

You know, I spent over 35 years of my life helping total strangers as part of Torringford Volunteer Fire, Harwinton EMS, and Fire Police, plus, all my years in broadcasting raising funds for Christmas Village and other organizations. For me, it was always great feeling of satisfaction helping others ! However, none of those can compare with the feeling I had being there, when Don received his chair, his check, and his opportunity to look at the many, many, cards and notes of best wishes from his classmates;..his "people" ! It will take him many days to read through all your heartwarming comments !! Best feeling ever!!

Classmates, all of you should feel great satisfaction in knowing what a great and meaningful thing you have done !! Don had written his note of thanks. It is shown below.

There truly are not words to express how humble I am by your generous gifts, but as it would not be possible to personally thank each and every one of you, I am writing this email that is certainly no less sincere. The lift chair, and the additional, unexpected funds, will greatly improve my quality of life and will be a continual reminder of your generosity, and really illustrates why I’ve always felt that the Class of ‘59 was the best class ever !!! Most sincerely,”

Thank you, Class of 1959, you ARE the best !! Mission Accomplished !! God Bless You, Don Marciano !!

On behalf of your Reunion Committee; Art Frigo, Elaine Kules Berry, John Cellerino, Barbara Krieger Dobos, Roger Fulton, Heather Yale Gromko, Joyce Hock Leifert, Doramae Bray Iffland, Rich Knapp, Gretchen Muller Ross, Pat Cable Thompson, and Jack Wallace.
Jack _______________________________________________________________________

 We honor our Committee Chairman, DON MARCIANO, For Nearly 6 Decades Of Service !!
I wanted to update you all on the progress of our campaign to provide Don, a well deserved token of appreciation from our class. Once again, this class has proven its uniqueness, for being exceptionally caring, generous, thoughtful, and considerate. What a group !! I'm so proud to be a part of this class and the reunion committee ! We have received sufficient funds to be confident in our ability to purchase that special power recliner/lift chair. Yesterday, 12/6/19, we surprised Don..(boy did we ever !! ) at Tony's restaurant where we know he always goes for lunch. When he walked in, we were all seated as you see us in the photo above. To pull this off, I collaborated with Don's Cousin, John, his wife, Donna, and the staff at Tony's. Don was presented with a gift certificate for the chair, a framed copy of our presentation comments, a letter from Art Frigo, Class President, and a well-timed/planned, phone call from Art as well. Don was so taken and so shocked the he was almost speechless. While walking to our cars, he said to me; " Jack, you have no idea how much that chair will mean to me"
Class of 59, Mission Accomplished !!
On behalf of your Reunion Committee; ( Who have also served our class for many years ! ) Art Frigo, Elaine Kules Berry, John Cellerino, Barbara Krieger Dobos, Roger Fulton, Heather Yale Gromko, Joyce Hock Leifert, Doramae Bray Iffland, Rich Knapp, Gretchen Muller Ross, Pat Cable Thompson, and Jack Wallace. THANK YOU !!! Jack _______________________________________________________________________
 The 60th Reunion, THS Class of 1959, is in the books. 106 Attendees at Chatterly's in Torrington.A most enjoyable and fun filled evening was enjoyed by all !! Sincere thanks to all who made the journey !
Top photo at Chatterlys, bottom at Fairview Farm on Sunday. 55 Attendees


Saturday, Sept 21 and Sunday, Sept 22, 2019.

Formal invitations, costs etc., mailed in June. Counting down !! (Clock says Hartford, but really means Torrington ! ) You can now download the reservation form. See link below.

The final committe meeting was held at the home of Roger and Sue Fulton, Wednesday evening, 9/4/19. What a great group of dedicated people who have done this for decades, ( only 10 years for me ) especially our fearless leader, Chairman Don Marciano. Thank you Don, for all your years of dedication to this class. You are one of a kind !!
Back row: Jack Wallace, Roger Fulton, John Cellerino, Joyce Regis Hock, Doramae Bray Iffland
Front Row: Don Marciano, Barbara Krieger Dobos, Gretchen Muller Ross, Elaine Kules Berry, Heather Gromko Yale. Unable to attend included Pat Cable Thompson, Art Frigo, and Rich Knapp. Lots of laughs, great snacks, all plans finalized, and we are ready to go !! !!See you all Sept 21 and 22, 2019.
Beautiful drone shot of downtown Torrington, the town we grew up in, looking north from center bridge. Thanks to Brian McKenna of Harwinton, for letting me display his great work.
Just something to tickle your memories as we head for our 60th reunion !

Classmate News:

Great photo of classmate Will Revaz in the Waterbury Republican. Will has had a great colllection of Model T's over the years and participates in events all over the country. Way to go Will, lookin good !!! 060319

Remember CLASSMATE WARNER SANKMAN ? (Forth from left) Really good lookin guy in our class, pretty quiet. Today at age 78 +/-, he plays in a band out there in Vegas !!The name of the band is "Stuck In Reverse". We are a member band of The Southern Nevada Bluegrass Music Society. The Lady in the middle is Peggy Ruesch who with her husband Jan, the bass player, founded the band about 15 years ago. I joined them four years ago as the dobro player and singer. The banjo player Jeff Weaver has been with the band for 5 years and the newest member Jim Damele joined us on mandolin about a month ago. Jim and I have played together in a couple of other groups since I moved to Las Vegas almost seven years ago. Peggy and I also perform as a duo called "Denim & Lace" doing classic country music. We play mostly at festivals, special events, charities like the Vet's Home, and private parties. We do it strictly for fun. As they say, "there are tens of dollars to be made playing bluegrass music" ?? Thanks Warner, I have your music and will play as part of our "Classmate Entertainment" at the 60th Reunion.

 7/16/19 Update from Knapper: Kevin Gilson and his wife are “care taking” (they are groundskeepers!) their daughter’s future retirement home in Richmondville, NY. Absolutely beautiful!
THE BAND IS BACK TOGETHER. !! Rich Knapp, Art Frigo, Dave Frauenhofer, and John Marcantonio were all in downtown Torrington the week of Oct 2nd., and stopped to have this classic photo taken !! Great to see these four super guys together again !!
This photo taken at the Warner, Fall 2014. L-R: Heather Yale Gromko, the late Dick Maine, John Marciano, Don Marciano.
Our Kevin Gilson, honored by this graphic, located in the Mountaineers football stadium.
 Nice photo of some great THS grads, from Jeri Beck Veronesi......Met these friends in Florida..had not seen each other in over 50 yrs but just by chance Ben and I met at the beach and so on and so on..we were all together for Roger's birthday Left to Right Ben Ossola Class of '58, Roger Magistralli 57,Kay (Brent) Wall 56, Ben's wife Fran,Jeri (Beck) Veronesi '59 and Tom Wall "56

Ths 59'ers at the UCONN vs University of Central Florida (Orlando) game, 1/22/15. L-R: Jack Wallace, Jean Wallace, Lou Marinelli, Jeannette Marinelli, Charlie Bienkowski, Teresa Bienkowski, Donna Ferrato and Dave Ferrato. All had dinner at Applebees prior to the game. Great fun. UCONN fans outnumbered the local fans by at least 3 to 1 !!! UCONN won 100-55. Real nail biter !!

 55TH Reunion.What a Weekend !!!


Torrington High School, Class of 1959. 55th Reunion 9/27/14 Warner/Nancy Marine Theatre
The Sunday Brunch Group-Fairview Farm. Revaz Photo
 See Many Reunion Photos Click Here !

 55th Reunion Weekend-Overview of Events

 FRIDAY EVENING: We'll be at Bogey's at the Greenwoods Country Club, 300 Torringford Street (Winsted Side). Casual, pay-as-you-go event, starting at 6PM and ending around 9. Order food from the "Pub Menu", drinks from the Cash Bar. Directions: From East Main Street, head North on Torringford Street ( Rt 183) towards Winsted for about 4.5 miles. When you pass West Hill Road on your right, the entrance to Greenwoods CC will be on your LEFT in about 700 feet. Look for the Greenwoods CC sign.
The Clubhouse

Dining Room. Location of our Gathering
The Bar. Many of you will call it "home" !

Beautifully landscaped fence & grounds
 SATURDAY AFTERNOON & EVENING: We'll be at the Warner/Nancy Marine Theater, Main Street, Torrington. Doors open at 4 PM for registration and to get your name tags. Buffet, prepared by Chatterly's will begin around 5 PM and a cash bar will be available starting at 4:00 PM. Planning a class photo at 6:30 PM, followed by everyone in their seats in the theater by 7PM. Brief speaking program starts at 7:10 PM, with the Bronx Wanderers going on at 7:35 PM. It will be a great night !! And, we were right on schedule !!!
Buffet Line from the 50th
Theater Entrance

Nancy Marine Theater Lobby

Where We Graduated From, 55+ Years Ago
 Sunday Farewell Brunch: We return to the beautiful Fairview Farm Golf Club, for their great Sunday Brunch. Event starts at 9:30 AM and goes to Noon. Club is located on Hill Road (Rt 222). Take Route 4 from Torrington to Harwinton. Take a right on to Rt 118 ( towards Litchfield) , then your 2nd left on to Hill Road. Cross Delay Road, then the club will be 500 feet on your left. Comes up quick, so be prepared.
Watch For This Sign !

Beautiful Views

Scene From Past Reunion

This shot says it all !!

Getting you in the spirit of Reunion 55 ! Our headliners, The Bronx Wanderers !! Click Here: http://thebronxwanderers.com/


 The final committee meeting for the 55th reunion was held at the home of Steve and Heather Yale Gromko on Wednesday, 9/17/14. Now we can take the next 4 years off !!! All we need now, to make the 55th a success, is your attendance !
 Reunion Committee meets at Jack's house, to label, stamp and stuff nearly 240 envelopes in preparation for the mailing of the 2014 THS Class of 59, 55th reunion reservation forms. With many hands making light work, we finished the task in about 35 minutes, leaving plenty of time for refreshments and planning for the big weekend. ! Mailing went out July 10th.
 PLANS SET FOR 2014 REUNION, SEPT 26-28, 2014
Greenwoods CC-Friday Evening

Nancy Marine/Warner-Saturday Event

Fairview Farms-Sunday Brunch
 Hello Classmates, Following my last solicitation for inputs on the upcoming reunion, I have received many nice comments and suggestions, especially for plans for the Friday evening portion of our weekend.
The overwhelming suggestion was for a quiet evening at ONE location, with NO formal program, entertainment etc. Just a nice night to meet, greet and catch up.
To that end we have an agreement with Bogey's at the Greenwoods Country Club. No tickets or formalities required. Just show up, order food, snacks etc from their "Pub" menu, and have a drink at the cash bar. The rest of the weekend is pretty much all set.

Saturday.. the big event, at the Warner / Nancy Marine Theater. Doors open at 4 with a buffet catered by Chatterlys and a cash bar. We'll need to be in our seats in the theater by 7PM to start the festivities. The Bronx Wanderers will go on at 7:30 for their full show, which should conclude at about 9:30. After which, you'll still have time to mingle in lobby until around 11 PM

Sunday is set at the beautiful Fairview Farms in Harwinton, for their great Brunch…more time to visit in a spectacular setting. Check out their latest web site and check out the video from their home page, www.fairviewfarmgc.com

Please start planning now for a wonderful weekend in CT., September 26-28, 2014 !! Please spread the word to those who do not have email. We'll catch up with them by postal mail after the first of the year if not before. We look forward to seeing everyone again !! Best, Jack, (On behalf of the THS Class of 59 Reunion committee, Don Marciano, Chairman.)

THIS IS TRULY A SPECTACULAR PROJECT, CREATED BY CLASSMATE WILLARD REVAZ. Will had actually supplied me with the audio clips a couple years ago, but I was never able to get then to translate to the web site without gaps. Will has accomplished this using YouTube and it's absolutely amazing. His comments are below, and just below his comments, is the link to "YouTube". Just click on that link, turn up your volume, close your eyes and visualize all of us at the Warner that fateful night. I'm sure the voices you hear will sound very familiar !! THANK YOU, WILL !!!

PS: My first radio broadcasting experiences were at WTOR when the studio and transmitter site were down in a hole on Perkins Street. Al gave me my start in broadcasting, and he was truly a unique and dedicated individual !!! Listening to his voice, sure brought back some great memories. .....Jack

 Hi Jack, It's been a long time coming, but I finally was able to get the WTOR recording of our graduation uploaded and online on uTube. Please check it out on the link beow and if you see fit, could you post it somewhere on the reunion Web page for all our classmates to see and hear. They can also find it by searching uTube for: "THS Class of 1959 Graduation Ceremony". I didn't have enough pictures to post along with the entire audio, so I took the liberty of posting some pictures I took at the 7052 reunion also. Even so, the audio goes on for another 35 minutes or so, mostly awards presentations. Thanks in advance for your efforts in keeping the GREAT web page up and running and I hope my enhancement will be welcomed by our classmates. Looking forward to another teriffic reunion this year, Willard Revaz '59

Where does the time go ??? It seems like yesterday that we were planning the great 50th and our "Project 7052 Reunions, and now it's time for #55 !!! The dates are set for September 26-28, 2014, now less than a year away !! We met for the first time last night (9/30/13) at the home of Heather Yale Gromko to start to work through the details. Saturday night, September 27th will be the main event, with the BRONX WANDERERS full show at the Nancy Marine Theater, preceeded by a buffet in the lobby, just like we did for the 50th. That will be a great night for all ! We also recognize the need to make this reunion very cost effective, based on the state of the economy, and the fact that we are not getting any younger !! Hence, we are considering less formal activities for that Friday night, and are looking into that beautiful Sunday Brunch at Fairview Farms, which everyone seemed to really enjoy. Nice quiet time, great food etc before departure. I'll be updating everyone as we proceed, but please mark your 2014 calendars for these dates. We look forward to seeing everyone again !! Please spread the word !
Your reunion committee. Back row, L-R, Heather Yale Gromko, Barbara Krieger Dobos, Pat Cable Thompson, Joyce Hock Leifert, Doramae Bray Iffland, Elaine Kules Berry, Gretchen Muller Ross. Front Row: Roger Fulton, Jack Wallace. Missing due to prior committments, Chairman Don Marciano and John Cellerino. Also missing, Art Frigo and Rich Knapp who are, of course, out of state. Don was in contact with us by phone during the meeting just to be sure I didn't screw it up !! JTW

 Yes, the weekend of September 26, 2014, has been chosen with the "main event" on Saturday, September 27th, 2014. Please mark your calendars and start planning for a 3-day event, Sept 26-28, 2014.

 LINK TO FLOOD OF '55 PAGE (August 19, 1955, Freshman Year)

 See recent photos/classmate activities below. Some recent photos moved to Classic Photo Page, see link at bottom.

A gathering of friends at Heather Yale Gromko's home, May 28,2013. L-R: Dick Maine, Naomi Pincus Cramer, Elaine Kules Berry, Janet Sikora Sullivan, Jack Wallace, Jim Serkey. (Photo by "Steve Gromko Studios", formerly Ruben Studios !!--Remember them ??

THS 59 Mystery Photos Shown Below !!! What great photos ! Now, who can tell me what they are ! These two photos were dropped off at my house by Marlene Piccolo Salvatore ( Again, why did I ever give her my real address ???) Anyhow, can you identify these..what was the group , where were they taken and when. I'll post your answers when received.

Photo #1 Looks like taken in front of the THS auditorium. Mostly all girls...who...why ?? Update from Gayle Adorno Campbell and others indicates that this the Freshman Drama Club !

Some kind of Sorority or secret organization ?? Please let me know. Jack 100112 email: jackwfire@gmail.com.
Latest input from Janet Sikora Sullivan notes that this is the Sigma Phi group via the YMCA. Another possibility is Alpha Omega and another input for Delta Phi. There are upper classmen in this photo from the class of 1957 etc. Photo may have been taken at the Mountain View Inn in Norfolk.
 See Our Newest Web Site Addition, "Menus of our Time" Click Here !

50th Anniversary Party, submitted by Alan Mackensie: Hi, Jack! We have just returned from my brother Ken and Karen's 50th Wedding Anniversary party, which was held in Bethel, CT. The picture attached shows the eight who are THS graduates. From left to right they are: Keith Revaz '61, Peggy Revaz '57, Jack Revaz '55, Willard Revaz '59, Alan Mackenzie '59, Karen Revaz Mackenzie '60, Ken Mackenzie '58, Mary Oliver '65. Rock on seniors! Alan...... Thanks Alan, great photo, much appreciated !

 Editor's note: If any of you classmates get together and have a photo, please send it over and I'll publish it ! (Within reason)The site is quiet these days with the 55th reunion now a year + away, ( 2014), so lets have a little fun with photos as above ! My best, Jack !! Send to: jackwfire@gmail.com

Note: Updating website on an ongoing basis. Photos previously on this home page are ultimately moved to the Classic Photos Page, Grammar School Photos page etc. See the links at the bottom of this home page. Jack 010512


Project 7052 Reunion Group Photo, Fairview Golf Club 09-24-11

Forget it, Rog, It's Like Trying to Herd Cats !!

Our cake, a work of art !

 Reunion 7052 Photo Album- Click Here. More to be added as photos received !

Meet our Entertainers For This Special Reunion, "IN HARMONY", Click Here For Their Bio and See Photo Below. THEY WERE WONDERFUL !!

 See List Of Attendees For This Project 7052 Reunion....Click Here

The site of our very special Birthday Party and Class Reunion, Held September 24 and 25, 2011 !
**We Celebrated 70 Years of Life, 52 Years After Graduation
View from the balcony and dining room. Class photo was taken here.

A fantastic venue, a glass of wine (Photos by Jack)

 The final committee meeting was held on Wednesday, Sept 14, at the home of Don and Donna Marciano. All final details for "Project 7052" were discussed, finalized and we are ready to go !Committee Members: (Not shown in any order): John Cellerino, Elaine Kules Berry, Art Frigo, Class President Roger Fulton, Pat Cable Thompson, Joyce Hock Leifert, Doramae Bray Iffland, Don Marciano, Reunion Chairman, Gretchen Muller Ross, Heather Yale Gromko, Barbara Krieger Dobos, Rich Knapp, and Jack Wallace. Missing from photo: Art Frigo and Rich Knapp.

At the same meeting, the committee presented Don and Donna a gift certificate for dinner at the Carmen Anthony Steak House, as a token of our appreciation for hosting all committee meetings, providing refreshments, etc., etc. Thank you Don and Donna !! Class Mascot and Honarary Chaircat, "Spencer" is shown looking for his gift ! Sadly, Spencer passed away around August 2018
See 2011 Reunion 7052 Postcard Announcement

See Press Releases Issued on Project 7052

 LINKS TO AREAS OF INTEREST (lots of good information here)

 New ! The Music of our Time ! List of Most Popular Songs, 1955-1959
See List of Attendees of 50th Reunion City of Torrington Web Site  The Torrington Register  
Memorabilia Page  All Reunions Photos Page  Torrington Weather  
Photos of Torrington Today  Missing Classmates-59's Most Wanted !
 Complete Graduating Class list, plus Commencement Program/Class Night Booklets, Class Song, Class Poem 6/17/59 See the original High School and the fire that destroyed it !!   List of Area Hotels-Word Document  
 THS X-RAY Newspaper  Grammar School Graduation Photos !!  Marvin "Muff" Maskovsky Honored  
List & Web Sites of Hotels & Motels, Torrington & Surrounding Towns  Special Anniversaries
Committee Notes (Updated 7/28/11)  Christmas Village
  50th Anniversary Reunion Summary, Commentary and Photos
  Click Here--More 50th Anniversary Reunion Photos